
Match Date



Match Details

300m practice

2 targets, 9am till 11.30am

Intention is that everyone has 2 shoots, numbers depending.

I've only allowed 15mins per shoot in the squadding, this is indiciative and I'm sure that some shoots will take less and others longer.  There is an upper limit of 30mins per shoot.  All shooters need to bring their own ammunition for two details of 20 to count plus unlimited sighters.


We may have on the day the opportunity to spread to a third target.


  Target 1 Target 2
09:00 David Cooper 187 / 185 Stewart Larter-Whitcher 185 / 188
09:15 Julian Hartwell 194 Adam Leech 194
09:30 Mike Martel ? Richard Birtwistle 187 / 18?
09:45 Kevin Todd 189 / 186 Jonathan Hull 194